Author: S. Bradner
Date: 2015-04-24
Committee: BOT
Document: 2015-121
Status: Confirmed
Maintainer: S. Bradner
Access: Unlimited
121st Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society, April 24, 2015.
The ISOC Board of Trustees met from 11:41 AM to 12:58 PM UTC on Friday, April 24, 2015 via teleconference.
The following members of the Board of Trustees were present:
- Kathy Brown
- Eric Burger
- Narelle Clark
- Keith Davidson
- Gihan Dias
- Hans Peter Dittler
- Hiroshi Esaki
- Bob Hinden
- Desiree Miloshevic
- Rudi Vansnick
Regrets were received from Jason Livingood and Sean Turner.
Dave Farber recused himself from the meeting due to a conflict of interest with the subject matter since he had been a candidate in the disputed election.
Also present:
- Scott Bradner (Secretary)
- Kevin Craemer (ISOC Staff)
Minutes taken by Scott Bradner.
All trustees, including Dave, agreed in advance and in writing to wave the normal notice period for a Board meeting.
1. Welcome, Apologies and Declaration of Conflicts
Bob opened the meeting in executive session at 11:41 AM UTC. He asked if anyone had any conflicts with the single agenda topic. No one said they had a conflict.
2. Election Challenge
Bob reviewed the events leading up to this call. He noted that ISOC had received a challenge to the candidacy of Ms. Alice Munyua, one of the elected organizational member candidates for the Board, on Friday, April 17th. He said that Kathy had contacted Ms. Munyua to inform her of the challenge and had received information in response from her which she had forwarded to the board.
Bob then asked each trustee for their own view on the situation.
The trustees each expressed their views. The Board then discussed the challenge.
The consensus of the Board was that the results of the election should stand and that the challenge should be rejected.
Rudi moved to reject the election challenge. Keith seconded the motion, which passed unanimously via role call vote.
Resolution 2015-21: Reject the challenge to Alice Munyua’s candidacy to the ISOC Board of Trustees.
RESOLVED, that the Board rejects the challenge and authorizes the President to advise the challenge author and Alice Munyua of its decision.
The board then discussed the contents of a statement that the Board would make to announce the Board’s decision.
Eric moved to adjourn the meeting. Desiree seconded the motion. There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned at 12:58 PM.
Summary of Resolutions
Resolution 2015-21: Reject the challenge to Alice Munyua’s candidacy on the ISOC Board of Trustees
RESOLVED, that the Board rejects the challenge and authorizes the President to advise the challenge author and Alice Munyua of its decision.
All Board Meeting Minutes