Minutes of Board Meeting No. 82

20 Sep 2010, Teleconference

Author: S. Bradner
Date: 2010-09-20
Committee: BOT
Document: 10-82
Status: Unconfirmed
Maintainer: S. Bradner
Access: unlimited

82nd Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society September 20, 2010.

The ISOC Board of Trustees met from 3:08 PM to 5:12 PM EDT on 20 September 2010 via teleconference

The following members of the Board of Trustees were present:

Eric Burger
Narelle Clark
Raul Echeberria
Eva Frolich
Bob Hinden
Daniel Karrenberg
Alejandro Pisanty
Lynn St.Amour
Bert Wijnen
Jonathan Zittrain

Apologies were received from Khaled Koubaa, Larry Lessig and Philip Smith.

Also present were:
Scott Bradner (Secretary)
ISOC staff

Minutes taken by Scott Bradner.

I. Welcome, Roll Call, Agenda, Ratification of Minutes, Apologies

Raul called the meeting to order at 3:08 PM EDT. He asked if anyone had any conflict of interest with any part of the agenda – no one did.

Bert moved to approve the minutes of the 80th board meeting.
Bob seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Resolution 10-30: Approval of the minutes of the 80th meeting of the Board of Trustees
RESOLVED that the minutes of the 80th Board meeting of the Internet Society held June 19, 2010 in Brussels are approved.

Bert moved to approve the minutes of the 81st board meeting.
Eric seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Resolution 10-31: Approval of the minutes of the 81st meeting of the Board of Trustees
RESOLVED that the minutes of the 81st meeting of the Board of Trustees, held in Brussels on June 19-20, 2010 are approved.

II. Conflict of Interest

PURPOSE: Report to Board from the Audit Committee review of submitted Conflict of Interest Forms

Eva reviewed the conflict of interest policy and responses. She noted that some trustees work for the same employer and that other trustees are on the boards of ISOC chapters where there might be support provided by ISOC. She said that she did not think there were currently any significant problems. She also said that the Nominations Committee should take possible conflicts into account in the future.

III. 2010 Mid-Year Performance Review and Year End Forecast

PURPOSE: Review 2010 Mid-Year Performance and 2010Year end Forecasts. Includes IASA and PIR Reviews.

Raul noted that the board had seen the report so a presentation of the report was not needed. He asked Greg Kapfer for a more detailed breakdown of the organizational members expense part of the budget for the next board meeting

IV. 2011 – 2013 Strategic Planning Update

PURPOSE: Review key directions as pertains to 3-year Business Plan and Budget Development.

Lynn introduced Scott Hoyt – who reviewed the key points of the report. The board did not have any questions

V. Revenue Diversification Opportunities Update

PURPOSE: Review plans for revenue diversification opportunities in the following areas:

Internet Development and Operationalization Hub – L. Daigle
Standards Campaign – L. St.Amour
Next Generation Leaders – B. Graham
Internet Academy – J. McNerney

Lynn introduced the discussion by noting that the Identity Management Services had been moved to a project within the Trust & Identity Initiative rather than left as part of the alternative revenue efforts. She asked if the board had any questions about the rest of the alternative revenue efforts. Raul thanked the staff for their efforts and the board discussed the ISOC Internet Academy plans.

VI. Open Internet working – Net Neutrality

PURPOSE: Update on ISOC’s Open Internetworking-Net Neutrality efforts

Raul noted the staff report and asked if any board member had any discussion. The board discussed the ISOC core values and network neutrality efforts. Raul said that the Board should come up with a clear and very simple statement on these topics during its next meeting in Beijing. He said that ISOC will have to conduct some kind of previous consultation with its members and chapters.

VII. Possible Identity software

PURPOSE: Discussion on strategic project alignment vis-a-vis ISOC mission

The board felt that it needed more information before it could usefully discuss this effort.

VIII. Review W3C Status

PURPOSE: Review progress against expectations per Board Resolution 2009-33:

The board discussed the status of the W3C internal review.

IX. Discussion on format of future ISOC Board meetings

PURPOSE: Review expectations

The board discussed the structure for future board meetings.

X. Approve the 2011 Board Work Plan Meetings

PURPOSE: Review and agree 2011 Board Work Plan
There was no discussion on this topic.


2011 Board Meeting Dates (refer to Board Work Plan)

The board discussed a possible schedule for future ISOC board meetings.

The meeting moved to closed session at 5:02 PM – Trustees and Executive Team Only.

XII. PIR Board of Directors Appointments for 2011

L. St.Amour

PURPOSE: Review and approve the Call for Candidates and timetable for the PIR Board of Directors Appointments for 2011.

Lynn reviewed, and the board discussed, the status of the current PIR board members and proposed call for candidates and timetable.

The meeting moved to open session at 5:09 PM.

Eric moved to approve the proposed Call for Candidates and timetable for the PIR Board of Directors Appointments for 2011. Eva seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Resolution 10-32: Approval of the Call for Candidates and timetable for the PIR Board of Directors Appointments for 2011.
RESOLVED that the Call for Candidates and timetable for the 2011 PIR Board of Directors Appointment is approved.

Daniel moved to adjourn. Bob seconded the motion. There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned at 5:12 PM.

Summary of Resolutions

Resolution 2010-30: Approval of the minutes of the 80th meeting of the Board of Trustees
RESOLVED that the minutes of the 80th Board meeting of the Internet Society held June 19, 2010 in Brussels are approved.

Resolution 2010-31: Approval of the minutes of the 81st meeting of the Board of Trustees
RESOLVED that the minutes of the 81st meeting of the Board of Trustees, held in Brussels on June 19-20, 2010 are approved.

Resolution 2010-32: Approval of the Call for Candidates and timetable for the PIR Board of Directors Appointments for 2011
RESOLVED that the Call for Candidates and timetable for the 2011 PIR Board of Directors Appointment is approved.

All Board Meeting Minutes

No. 82 (20 September 2010)