Our global community of Chapters is vibrant. Chapter members implement projects, share ideas, and take actions that help bring the Internet Society’s vision to life. In particular, the leaders of the Latin American Chapters have had the opportunity to meet annually in a workshop dedicated to them.
2020 has led us to think of new ways to keep in touch and continue working for the Internet to remain open, globally-connected, trustworthy, and secure for everyone. This is why, from October 26 to 30, we held the 2020 Latin American Chapters Workshop in virtual format, with 100% participation of the Latin American Chapters.
Through 20 sessions, the workshop was a collaborative space and a meeting point for the staff and the Internet Society community. The 333 people who participated shared their knowledge and experience around topics related to our 2020 Action Plan. To offer a holistic approach, we also held sessions on leadership and Chapter management.
At the end of each day we created a summary of the most important points of each session. For these summaries we decided to give the audio format a try and created a playlist that you cannot miss. Listen – each episode lasts about five minutes!
Another result of the workshop was the creation of a memory. This was presented during a special session, which became a space for celebration and recognition of the achievements, advances, and successes at the regional level and at the individual level of our Chapters.
Thanks to the support and active participation of each of our members, we continue to work for an Internet for everyone. It is inspiring to hear the stories and knowledge our community puts in support of our mission. We hope to continue building a network of human networks that allow us to amplify our voice and build an Internet capable of bringing hope, opportunities, quality of life, development, and progress to our communities.
In a year marked by turmoil, Chapters and members have created initiatives to help see their communities through. Read about their impactful work, download the blueprints to make a difference in your own community, and vote for a Chapterthon winner!
Image of Argentina Flagship Community Network in El Cuy, General Roca, Río Negro ©Christian O’Flaherty/Internet Society