Community Network Do-It-Yourself Toolkit > Deploy the Community Network

9. Deploy
the Community Network

Community Network Do-It-Yourself Toolkit >

9. Deploy the Community Network

two men climbing on an antenna

It’s time to connect!

After all the research, planning, and engagement, it’s time to bring connectivity to your community! This phase of the project involves not only the installation of the physical infrastructure but also the training of people who will use your network, the communication about your project, and putting all the business plans into operation.

Key Points

  • All your other work leads to this point. You have been developing a project plan over time. If you have not already engaged a project manager, you may want one to work through this part of getting all the physical infrastructure and final components ready to go.
  • Communication will be critical to ensure your users are ready to join your new networks.
  • It is critical to ensure you have backup systems, both for your software and systems, but also power backups.
  • As you start deploying, it is critical to have some system in place for troubleshooting issues and also tracking issues, bugs, and feature requests.

Take Action

Workers with spades posing for a photo

Install the physical infrastructure.

People sitting at the table with laptops photographed from above

Obtain all the necessary permissions and licensing required.

A group of people in Bolivia cutting the ribbon of a new CN

Launch the network.

Three women crimping cables at the Africa CN summit

Provide training and support to help people get online.

A woman holding a wireless antenna in Hawaii

Provide ongoing support.

Woman operating an electrical panel in Bolivia

Ensure you have some system for troubleshooting and responding to issues.

Image copyrights:
© Nyani Quarmyne, © Naveed Haq, © Nyani Quarmyne, © Gustavo Castellanos Echazú, © Nyani Quarmyne, © Elyse Butler, © Gustavo Castellanos Echazú