Okay, maybe it’s a small thing, but I have to admit that when I wound up on Google’s home page today to try out their “Zamboni doodle” celebrating the 112th birthday of Frank Zamboni, I don’t know which I found cooler… the game itself, or the fact that I was getting to it entirely over IPv6:
(Address bar IPv6 info courtesy of the IPvFoo extension for Google Chrome.)
Just another moment when I’m glad that Google’s websites are accessible via IPv6! As a web developer, too, I had to know: is this Zamboni game done entirely in JavaScript? A StackExchange answer says that it is, which is fascinating.
P.S. And yes, that was as high as I let my score go… the Zamboni looks like it could be an enormous time-suck, and I do have some writing that needs to be done!